OTM Training
10 Reasons to Train

On-site wellness programs increase productivity in the workplace. 30-60 minutes of exercise can boost your work performance by 15% and 27% lower absenteeism for workers who eat healthily and exercise regularly.

Exercising 3x a week reduces your risk of stroke and coronary heart disease by up to 35%

Heart disease is the #1 cause of death

Only 6.5% of Americans meet the minimum physical guideline requirements. Wellness programs help to improve employee burnout and daily work ethic.

On average, Americans sit 11 hours per day. 300,000 deaths occur annually due to inactivity and poor dietary habits in the U.S alone.

75% of employees are more likely to stay with their employer because of the fitness programs.

Your company pays 100% of preventative care when employees miss days at work. Exercise leads to less sick days.

150 minutes of moderate-intensity leisure activity/week = 14% lower risk of coronary heart disease.

80% of specialist visits are paid for by your company and 50% of the emergency visits are covered by your company.

With a wellness program, you can save 1.5% in health care. $250/per employee and $450 per obese employee.